Thursday, August 18, 2011

Using Herbs from a Home Herb Garden

You have planted the herbs and watched them grow and flourish. They are extremely useful in so many ways. But, using herbs from a home herb garden requires a little bit or work first.

In order to use the herbs you will need to harvest them first. Timing is a huge factor. The wind and the heat can disperse the essential oils of the herbs. You should choose a calm and dry morning during midsummer to harvest your herbs. Fewer oils are produced by the herb
on extremely wet days. Harvest the herbs just after the dew has dried form the leaves right before the flowers open. Harvesting the herb does not mean removing the entire plant. At this point, you are just taking a certain amount of growth for use. You do not need to use the herbs that you are harvesting at the time that you pick them. You can preserve them to use later. Be careful not to take more then one third of the plant’s foliage at one time. The plant will need a good amount of foliage to re-grow well. You should also inspect the plant for insects and damaged leaves before you harvest it.

Typically there are three ways that people preserve their herbs for later use; drying, freezing, or preserving them in a medium like salt or vinegar. In order to dry herbs you need to bundle six to twelve stems together and remove any foliage near the base of the stems. You can secure the bundle with string. Hang the bundle in a cool location away from sunlight. If you are looking to dry individual leaves you can place them on a screen or a rack. Remember to turn them often in order for them to dry properly. Some people have turned to using appliances like dehydrators, ovens or microwaves to dry herbs as well although these are less satisfactory ways. Freezing herbs is a fairy simple way to preserve herbs. Cut the herbs into ¼ inch pieces and place on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Once the herbs are frozen, you can place them together in a bag and store them in the freezer until use. The third way to preserve herbs is through a medium. For instance, you can cover herbs like chopped mint, basil or tarragon with vinegar and it will be preserved for several months. Or you can make a flavored salt to preserve herbs by alternating layers of fresh herbs between salt. When completely dry separate the brown herb from the flavored salt and store it in an airtight container.

Of course, people often use herbs fresh right out of the garden. Take care cleaning the herbs before they are placed fresh in recipes. In order to clean fresh herbs place them in a bowl filled with cool water. If there is a large quantity of herbs you can use the sink. Place about two tablespoons of salt in the water. The salt in the water will drive away insects without damaging the plant. Remove the herbs from the water and dry them in a salad spinner.

Different types of herbs are used for many different uses. Each different type of herb has their own list of instructions on how to use, harvest, and chop them. Make sure into research the specific type of herb you are using to use it correctly.

Herb Garden Plants

Herb plants come in annuals, perennials, and biennials like other types of plants. There are so many different types of herbs and each one is different. If you are interested in a specific type of herb, you should research that one to understand the care it needs and how to use it properly. This article will get you started in understanding general different types of herb plants and what they are used for.
Annuals like basil, cilantro, and summer savory will not survive a frost. They need to be planted from a seed or a small plant every year. Perennials like sage and winter savory can survive colder temperatures and will return year after year. Biennial herbs are plants that form leaves in their first growing season and flowers and seed in the second season, then die. Biennial herbs like parsley, angelica, or caraway should be sown in late spring directly into the garden. Prepare the soil first by working it to a fine texture and wet it slightly. Plant the seeds in shallow rows then firm the soil on top of them. Fine seeds can be planted in a mixture of sand which will allow them to spread more evenly. You can also cover the bed with wet burlap or paper in order to keep the soil moist during germination.

Herbs are also grouped into the categories for which they are used. Culinary herbs are probably the most useful to herb gardeners. They have a huge range of different uses in cooking. Because of their strong flavors, herbs like chives, thyme, basil, sage, savory, and marjoram are generally used in small quantities to add flavor to different types of food. Parsley is an extremely popular herb that is used mostly as a garnish. Aromatic herbs have pleasant smelling flowers or foliage. Oils from aromatic herbs like loyage, mint, and rosemary can be used to make different types of perfumes, toilet water, or other various scents. Parts of aromatic herb plants used intact can also be used in the home to scent linens or clothing. They can also be dried and made into potpourri which will enable them to be able to retain their aroma for a long period of time. Lavender and lemon verbena are great herbs to use for potpourri. Some herbs are also used for medicinal purposes. For centuries herbs have been thought to have the ability to cure the body. Present medical knowledge recognizes that some herbs are beneficial to one’s health, others are overrated. Herbs used for medicinal purposes should be used carefully. Some herbs are harmless but others can be dangerous if eaten.

Some herbs are not used for their flavor, power to heal or fragrance. Some herbs are also used for their beauty. Ornamental herbs have brightly colored flowers and foliage. Many have whitish or various light colored flowers like valerian which has crimson blossoms and borage and chicory which grow gorgeous blue flowers.
While herbs can be categorized into these different categories of uses, many herbs have multiple purposes. For example, mint may be used for cooking, tea, and pest control. Whatever the reason you have an interest in herbs, by understanding herb garden plants you are able to pick the herbs that will be most useful to you.

Tips for Planting a Potted Herb Garden

Here is a nice video I found on youtube about planting a potted herb garden. It is well put together and actually has a couple of good tips to help you with your potted herb garden. Leave a comment if you like it, heck leave a comment if you don't like it. Let me know what you guys like or don't like so I know what type of content to post.

Herb Garden Information

Herbs can be traced back into the times of the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Chinese.  There are also references in the Bible and medieval documents that show herbs were used by most households. Growing herbs is something that is very beneficial to gardeners for several different purposes.  Herbs may be used to flavor food, for potpourri, for tea, for medical purposes or to even control pests in the garden.  Herb gardens can be specialized towards one of these specific areas or a mixture of a few different purposes.  They can also be grown in a garden with other species of plants or in containers indoors. 

Herb gardens can be grown in different ways such as an indoor herb garden in the kitchen or a small plot in the garden.  A small plot of four feet by six feet is a large enough area to support a small family.  Although a popular use for herbs are for cooking known as culinary herbs, they are also grown for their aromatic foliage and some for the beauty of their flowers.  They can be used fresh or dried.  Some herbs are used as garnish for plates or salads while other types of herbs can be used to perk up the flavor of a dish. 

Like all other plants herbs grow as annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees.  When planting herbs, you should use well-drained soil.  If you find that your soil is heavy or compacted, you can add organic matter to it.  Fertilizers are not necessary either.  Most herbs prefer a sunny location although a few prefer full shade.  Many herbs will grow well with afternoon shade.  Amazingly, very few diseases or insects attack herbs.  Sometimes in dry, hot weather red spider mites can be found on low-growing plants and aphids may attach dill, caraway, anise, or fennel.  Rust can also affect mint. 

Herbs can be bought and planted into a home garden or they can be grown from seeds.  It is an honor and a joy to be able to see a plant be grown from a single seed.  You are able to enjoy every step of the process from birth to death in a respect.  When growing a plant like an herb from a seed the experience is all the more rewarding because herbs are so useful.  Almost all herbs can be grown from a seed.  Seeds should be placed in a shallow pot or box in the late winter.  Use a light, well-drained soil to grown your seeds in.  Since herbs do not have a deep root base, make sure not to cover the seeds too much with the soil.  They should be planted shallow.  Follow the rule: the finer the seed, the shallower it should be sown.  You can transplant the seedlings to the outdoors in the spring.  Although most herbs can be grown from seeds, some herbs do not transplant well.  Herbs like dill, fennel, anise, and coriander should be planted directly into the garden. 

Although growing herbs in a home garden is extremely easy and worthwhile, there is a lot of information you need to know and understand about herbs.  This article has given you a lift and now it is time to complete the journey with more information.  And you can find all of the information you need right here!  Good Luck!